Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Amazing animal in lovely forest having water.

The zebra. It is not something outside of us. The zebra is something inside of us. Our fears. Our own self-destructive nature. The zebra is the worst part of us when we are face-to-face with our worst times.

King of forest having a walk.

Lions have strong, compact bodies and powerful forelegs, teeth, and jaws for pulling down and killing prey. Their coats are yellow-gold. Adult males have shaggy manes that range in color from blond to reddish-brown to black and also vary in length. The length and color of the mane is believed to be determined by such factors as age, genetics and hormones. Young lions have light spotting on their coats that will disappear as they grow up. Without their coats, lion and tiger bodies are so similar that only experts can tell them apart.

Among all runner : Horse

Horses were the medium of transportation in the past time. To having a horse in a past time that was make valuable impression of person. In the past time only the kings could have the horses not a common people.

Winding weather ,giraffe at outing.

Giraffes are the tallest mammals on Earth. Their legs alone are taller than many humans about 6 feet. They can run as fast as 35 miles an hour over short distances, or cruise at 10 mph over longer distances.

Quit bird feeding her babies at her home.

have the same approach to motherhood: every one lays eggs. No bird gives birth to live young. Birds quickly form and lay an egg covered in a protective shell that is then incubated outside the body. The large size of a egg makes it difficult for the female to retain more than a single one egg at a time - carrying eggs would make flying harder and require more energy.

A clever bird having its food.

Nature’s view is such a beautiful.More than 30 million crows fly around the U.S., but the black birds may be among the least understood animals in the country. Now, new research is providing insight into their soaring intelligence and surprising warmth, reports CBS News correspondent Ben Tracy.Crows have always been a bit creepy.

Nature beauty comes with beautiful birds.

No matter if you are a bird lover or not, you cannot deny their colorfulness, their beauty, or the mystery they present as they fly high above us in the skies. Enjoy this wonderful photo series of 40 of the most gorgeous birds on earth!

Night active bird having curious eyes.

Owls are birds from the order Strigiformes, which includes about 200 species of mostly solitary and nocturnal birds of prey typified by an upright stance, a large, broad head, binocular vision, binaural hearing, sharp talons, and feathers adapted for silent flight. Exceptions include the diurnal northern hawk-owl and the gregarious burrowing owl.

Nature having different beauty, vast to imagine.

Not just beautiful, though—the stars are like the trees in the forest, alive and breathing. And they're watching me. "'Is the spring coming?' he said. 'What is it like?' ...'It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine, and things pushing up and working under the earth.'"

Sweet house hidden by nature beauty.

The ceiling is designed to be very thin like paper and designed to let natural light penetrates through during the day and disperse light to all areas. At night artificial lights from lamps and lanterns are diffused to the exterior. The open space between the ceiling and walls will control lighting inside the room during day and night. Building materials are a combination of natural materials; wood, rock and natural finishing products in order to create the feeling of natural living with the essence of modern architecture.

Swinging bridge surrounds greenery.

A swing bridge is a movable bridge that has as its primary structural support a vertical locating pin and support ring, usually at or near to its center of gravity, about which the turning span can then pivot horizontally as shown in the animated illustration to the right. Small swing bridges as found over canals may be pivoted only at one end, opening as would a gate, but require substantial underground structure to support the pivot.

Mountains hides, blossoms out nature's.

A mountain is a large land-form that stretches above the surrounding land in a limited area, usually in the form of a peak. A mountain is generally steeper than a hill. Mountains are formed through tectonic forces or volcanism.

A small lawn having a sweet home.

Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home ..Home! Sweet, sweet home!There's no place like home. End of the world is only home. Every happiness just incomplete without staying in the home.  Home is just not about the infrastructure of full of facilities but it's about memories and may be feelings. 

Each imagination have a great highness. At a height you can imagine whole surrounding.

"Imagination" is one of those words that inspire us. It reminds us of children playing, and Einstein claiming that it's more important than knowledge. The word gets used in a lot of ways, but for the most part people mean one of two things. Beauty of nature is never replaced by human developed beauty. Beauty of nature just balance all the factors in the environment as well as it makes sustainable atmosphere for each and every lives from smallest insect to biggest animal in the world.    

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Nature blossoms with fresh air, full of silence and freshness.

The house in the forest signs that you are having best luck to live life with nature's awesome beauty without any ego just like innocent.Trees honest friends of human ever.Without expecting anything just provides the lives to human communities.Still human wants the forest of cement by destroying awesome  forests full of the trees and animals. as well they are house of birds.In simple words if we say trees are raincallers. 

Colorful Blossoms: New Year Rangoli Design.

  This stunning flower rangoli welcomes the New Year with an explosion of colors and intricate designs. Each element is thoughtfully crafted...